Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hiking Monte Terminio

by Adam Allegro

Today we revisit Monte Terminio, located near Avellino, Italy in a small town called Serino.  The small mountain range is only about 45 minutes outside of Naples and this hike can easily be done in an afternoon.  Head towards Serino and once you arrive in the town you will see numerous signs for Monte Terminio.  There are five or six hikes up the mountain to different summits, but I happened to stumble on trail three.
If you prefer to just look at the pictures, feel free to skip past my ramblings :)
First off, this is what I was greeted with when I reached the summit, clouds screaming up and over the mountain, the overwhelming feeling that I was standing at the top of Mount Olympus next to Zeus.  (The wind is kind of loud so turn your volume down...)
After hiking through some pretty dense woods (you can get an idea by checking out yesterday's post), you arrive at this rocky cliff.  Old rock climbing ropes can be seen embedded in the side here and there, and a neat little natural shelter can be seen in the picture below.
When you get back on the path (the trail is clearly marked with painted red-white-red stripes every 10 feet or so), the terrain turns to a grassy, rocky upward climb.
Upon reaching the summit, you are presented with this spectacular view.
Since I rarely take any self-portraits anymore, I figured I would shoot one just for the heck of it.  It was pretty chilly, reaching about 35 degrees that evening.  You can see my pack and gear spread out on the ground behind me. 
The peak's summit cross being used as a clothesline to dry my sweaty clothes...  I thought it looked kind of cool like this.
Looking east from the cross, you are presented with this view.  I didn't get any decent photos of the sunrise, though this composition would look pretty sweet given a vivid and beautiful one - I'll need to get back up here for that.
Looking opposite over the range we can see the other peaks of Terminio.  Next time I would like to plan for more time and include these peaks in my hiking.  I checked out some other photos from this area and they look pretty amazing.
Finally, here is a vertical capture of the sunset.  You can just barely see Mount Vesuvius in the distance, its peak underneath the setting sun.  This shot is similar to the one I posted a couple days back which I like a little bit more.   
That's about it.  Not an incredibly difficult or long climb,  Monte Terminio is a really neat place to explore and I highly recommend it!  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for visiting!

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