Thursday, April 26, 2012


Sleepwalking in a Vivid Dreamscape

by Adam Allegro

Sometimes a scene from real life can be as surreal and beautiful as a dream.  I feel this way when I see dancing light shows at sunrise and sunset, vivid rainbows after a downpour, violent and powerful lightning strikes, and other visual symphonies.  Last week when I took this photo, it felt as if I was caught in between a dream and reality.  The crashing waves, lonely pier, soft spattering of clouds and cool color temperature all combined to make me feel like I was sleepwalking through a brilliant dream.  The soothing sound of whistling wind over crashing waves only helped to reinforce that feeling. 
On your way home from work, stop and take a few minutes to really absorb a beautiful sunset.  Wake up early once a week to catch a mesmerizing sunrise.  People say that photography is very difficult but they are wrong.  All it takes is a little motivation, planning, practice, and patience.  There are only a handful of "lucky" shots.  dedicated photographers make their own luck.  Finding unique and compelling locations and practicing just a little patience is half the work.  Find out where the sun rises and where it sets so you can scout out a neat place to shoot.  You would be blown away with the amazing locations that are within a 10 minute drive from your house - some places as close as the end of your street!  It doesn't matter that you don't have a 1200 dollar camera.  People are making a living out there with only an iPhone these days.  I will post some pictures next week from several years ago that I took with my rinky dink point-and-shoot and an old iPhone to better drive this point home.  I hope this inspires you just a little bit to get out there and truly experience some of the beauty that surrounds us.
Thanks for visiting.  I would love for you to subscribe to my blog on the upper right column.  Check back tomorrow!

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