Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Torino Street 

by Adam Allegro
Street Photography has quickly become one of my favorite things to do with a camera.  There is nothing quite like a spur of the moment capture, a split second you can steal away to keep forever.  This is one of the reasons you should always have a camera on you.  I know it is a pain in the ass at times, but I guarantee you would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it... Make sense?
Today I present to you a plethora of brand new photos from Torino.  All of which were spur of the moment and usually shot from the hip (I would see something, pull up the camera and shoot - no messing with settings, no tripod, no re-shooting).  For every 6 shots I blew, I came away with a couple I was proud of.  Here are 7 of those "winners" with a short little explanation of each.
By the way, all of these were processed with Nik's Silver Efex Pro 2.  A shameless plug for my affiliate status with them - when you order through me, I get a little commission, which helps pay for everything that goes in to making these image for your enjoyment!  Take a second and check out their products -all with a 15% discount through this link.  Thanks for supporting! 
The evening I arrived, I wasted no time in getting out and catching some shots before it started raining.  Instead of rain, the hail came.  Before I got completely pelted and beat to shreds (I still have 2 bumps on my head from the marble sized pieces of ice) I was lucky enough to see this old man limping down the sidewalk, posing in motion for a lucky shot.  This photo has done quite well on 500PX since I posted it yesterday- If you have an account there, feel free to "like" it!
Another chance photo. When I turned my head to look down a random street, I noticed this perfectly framed church.  The pedestrian walking across the street gave the image a nice little human aspect.
Shot in the park outside of Porta Nuova Train Station, I wasn't sure if I should take a picture of this guy or take his pulse.  After a few exposures, he moved his leg a tad so I knew he was alive... :)
Next to the River Po sits one of the 3 top nightlife areas in Torino.  Here is the entrance to one of the many hot nightclubs lining the north side of the river.
During my climb up Monte Cappuccini on the south side of the Po River, en route to the beautiful church and overlook which sits on top of the small mountain, I glanced to my right and was presented with this normal and boring street view.  When I looked closer, the view struck me as extraordinary - perfectly framed street, somewhat deserted, detailed bordering houses, and one lonely lady walking on the lower left, the sun casting nice long shadows from the open side streets.  
The city of Torino contains many of these covered walkways, or Porticos, just like a majority of the other Northern Italian cities.  Something about this particular view sat nicely with me - maybe it was the lighting... 
And finally, this gentleman was busy playing some beautiful music as I threw him a euro, stepped back, and clicked away.  If you notice, this picture was taken with my wide-angle lens - I was aiming to get the whole scene in the frame instead of just his face.  What do you think?
Thank you so much for visiting!  I hope you enjoyed this virtual jaunt through the streets of Torino!  Feel free to subscribe to posts by email in the upper right column to receive beautiful daily adventures sent directly to you!

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